Step 8: Adapting to Community Needs

Projects should regularly review progress, gather feedback from stakeholders to evaluate fairness or equity, and ensure it is accessible, democratic and inclusive and there is transparency of the outcomes. Processes should be adaptive to if and when challenges are identified to meet community needs.

Step 8: Adapting to Community Needs
Photo by Dennis Brekke / Unsplash

Working reflexively and adapting to meet community needs

Projects should regularly review progress and gather feedback from stakeholders to evaluate fairness or equity, and whether the process is accessible, democratic and inclusive and there is transparency of the outcomes. Processes should be adaptive to if and when challenges are identified to meet community needs.

Questions for Projects:

  • How regularly, and through what format, will communities be invited to engage with the project to ensure ongoing communication?
  • How regularly will the project be reviewed?


For NFCA Members Only