Step 7: Stakeholder Recruitment

Once a target community has been identified (common interest or geographic), appropriate methods of engagement should be utilised. Participants should be provided with relevant background and a process overview to enable them to give informed consent to take part and engage meaningfully.

Step 7: Stakeholder Recruitment
Photo by Nick Fewings / Unsplash

Stakeholder recruitment and onboarding

Once a target community has been identified (community of interest or geographic community), appropriate methods of engagement for recruitment should be utilised. Participants should be provided with relevant background information and a process overview to enable them to give informed consent to take part and engage meaningfully.

Questions for Projects:

  • Are there methods of sign-up for those in the community who do not have digital access?
  • Who in the team is going to be a point of contact for community members who have questions or need support at this stage?
  • How will a suitable person be identified?
  • What background information and resources do the community need to fully understand this project?


For NFCA Members Only