Scottish Forum on Natural Capital, managed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust

Scottish Forum on Natural Capital, managed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust

The Scottish Forum on Natural Capital is a project managed by the Scottish Wildlife Trust. We are a uniquely broad network of collaborative communities of practice, bringing natural capital into mainstream decision-making.

We work collectively towards the vision of a Scotland in which all parts of society including companies, NGOs, public bodies and communities recognise our reliance and impact on natural capital, and where leadership drives action to protect, value and rebuild our natural assets, both here and beyond Scotland’s borders.

We are looking forward to working with the NFCA particularly as the group incubated within our hub, the Nature Finance Pioneers, to explore the potential for other self-governing groups to develop from our networks.

We hope to share relevant intelligence and communications with (and from) the Scottish Forum’s membership, networks and workstreams.

We are pleased to host a Basecamp sub network for community benefits exploration and to collaborate with the NFCA and others on the development of a Community Benefits Standard, as part of a project sponsored by the Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland (FIRNS).

For NFCA Members Only