
These steps, principles and actions are a guide to support nature-based projects. Relevant for the developers, project managers, community engagement specialists, local authorities and communities to work in partnership to develop a written agreement with regards to community benefit.

Photo by Hannah Busing / Unsplash

In the rapidly evolving natural capital market, there is increasing emphasis on investment delivering benefits to local communities.

Scottish Land Commission sets out clear guidance on identifying community benefits and how they can be delivered.

The following steps, principles and actions are intended as a guide to support nature-based projects which could include the developers, project managers, community engagement specialists, local authority if relevant and communities to work in partnership to develop a written agreement with regards to community benefit.

The steps in this guide outline principles and actions for project managers and community engagement teams to carry out that are undertaking a participation process.

This guide is currently still a draft, with a full testing phase to be implemented before a final version is shared.

How to use this guide

This Guide should be used as a resource in conjunction with wider sector guidance and frameworks (highlighted throughout the document) to support cohesion between projects and communities, and to agree mutually beneficial outcomes. 

The steps identified in this document may not all be relevant for every project (depending on scope, funding available, size of target community, resources available, timelines, etc.), and are intended to act as a helpful resource rather than mandatory checklist.

By sharing this guide with delivery partners as well as the community, project teams can promote transparency and shared goals.

About the Community Benefit Certification

This Guide is being developed alongside a draft certification which is intended to be a voluntary measure which would sit alongside, for example, the Woodland Carbon Code.

Actions identified below which are likely to be included in this certification are highlighted for transparency and to support projects to gather appropriate evidence if they would like to eventually work towards the certification (when it is market ready).

For NFCA Members Only