Finance Earth

Finance Earth

Finance Earth is the UK’s leading environmental impact investment boutique, providing financial advisory and fund management services across the natural and built environment. It helps to create projects – and the investment vehicles to fund them – that balance positive outcomes for nature, communities and investors.

Finance Earth works in partnership with a broad range of clients including NGOs, government, social enterprises, foundations and aligned corporates to create investable environmental and social projects.

At the same time, Finance Earth works with a range of investors to structure financial products that can accelerate the protection and restoration of nature. The team currently manages over £50 million of blended social and environmental impact funds and has designed over £500 million of impact investment structures.

Finance Earth supports the development of high-integrity nature markets and has led a range of initiatives such as the development of the UK Nature Market Principles in collaboration with the National Trust, the RSPB, The Wildlife Trust, the Woodland Trust and Federated Hermes.

As a member of the Nature Finance Certification Alliance, Finance Earth aims to further support the development of high-integrity nature finance transactions in the United Kingdom, using Scotland as a test-bed for innovation.

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